
Frederiksberg Library is open for everyone. The library's services are for the most part free of charge. Charges for special services may be made.



Frederiksberg Library is open for everyone. The library's services are largely free of charge. Charges for special services may occur.


Joining the library

You can register as a patron with NemID at, or in person at the library. You will be required to present your social security card and photo ID when registering.

If you’re under the age of 18, a parent or guardian will need to sign your registration form. Please bring your registration form and social security card when registering as a library user.

You can retrieve the registration form at or at the library.

You are required to communicate any changes in your e-mail or phone number to the library, or to update your personal information yourself on the library’s website.

Users without permanent residence in Frederiksberg may be required by the head of the library to provide a deposit/guarantee, in accordance with § 2 i Bekendtgørelse nr. 103 af 31. januar 2003 om biblioteksvirksomhed.


Borrowing, returning and renewing

Loans are free of charge at the library. You can always check the return date of your loans on your receipt or on the library’s website under your loan status. Most items come with a 1-month loan period. The library can set shorter loan periods for certain items.

E-mail and text notifications are available to let you know when a loan is approaching its due date. You can register for notification services on the library’s website.

When returning a loan, you can opt to print a receipt documenting the return. Please make sure to scan all returned materials correctly. The loan period can usually be extended if a material isn’t subject to reservation. The head of the library can set a maximum for the renewal of materials as defined in § 14 i Bekendtgørelse om biblioteksvirksomhed.


Elderly and disabled residents

Residents of Frederiksberg who are unable to visit the library can have material delivered to their home free of charge. You can register for this service on our website, by phone or by applying in person.


Reserving materials

You can make reservations on the library’s website or at the library. Once your reservation is ready for pick up you will receive a notification by e-mail, text or Digital Post. The head of the library may set a limit to the number of reservations per individual borrower as defined in § 14 i Bekendtgørelse om biblioteksvirksomhed.

If the Library of Frederiksberg doesn’t carry the material you’re looking for, you may be able to reserve it for pick up at your local library on The staff at the library can also assist you in placing a reservation.


Overdue loans

If the lending period for a material has been exceeded you will be required to pay a fine.

The fine is determined according to the correct return date, and fine amounts are set each year by the City Council of Frederiksberg as defined in Lovbekendelse nr. 100 af 30. januar 2013. The fine must be paid whether or not you have received any kind of notification or reminder beforehand.

You can find an overview of the fees at



You are responsible for all material borrowed with your social security card/library card. If your social security card gets lost or stolen, please contact the library as soon as possible to ensure any further loans on the card are blocked (Receipt from the police required).


Claim for compensation

Financial compensation is required for any material that has been damaged, lost or unreturned. The price of the compensation is set by the library. Failing this, the case will be transferred to the council bailiff. The library doesn’t assume responsibility for damages to the borrower’s CD/DVD player, video recorder or computer equipment caused by loaned material.


Access to unstaffed express libraries

Several of the Frederiksberg libraries offer “express hours,” allowing residents to use the library without any staff present. Access will require you to scan your social security card in the scanner by the door. When in the library, show consideration for other users. Windows and fire exits must remain closed. Acts of vandalism will be reported to the police followed by a claim for compensation. The consumption of alcohol and cigarettes is banned at the library.


Protection of personal data

Our libraries are equipped with video surveillance. The footage as well as personal data in general are handled in accordance with current laws on data protection.


Exclusion, eviction or restrictions on borrowing

Users who do not behave in an orderly manner, or refuse to comply with the instructions of the staff, may be refused admittance to the library.


Lending ban

Owing more than a certain amount in fees may result in a borrowing ban as defined in § 15 i Bekendtgørelse om biblioteksvirksomhed. Furthermore, a refusal can be made at the discretion of the library if a borrower has extensively failed to return borrowed material, or has returned damaged material. A 7 days written notice will be given. The ban will be lifted when fines and charges due are paid and the material has been returned or replaced. Failing this, the case will be transferred to the council bailiff without further notice, as defined in Bekendtgørelse af lov om inddrivelse af gæld til det offentlige.

Entry into force

These regulations passed by the municipal council entered into force on April 1st 2018.